Should Landlords Carry Flood Insurance on Rental Properties?

In Austin, TX, our team of insurance professionals at The Policy Source provides coverage to various people, such as business owners, individual proprietors, and landlords. As a result, we frequently advise different demographics on the types of insurance that best suit their needs. Landlords, in particular, often inquire whether a specific type of policy outside the general landlord’s insurance might effectively protect their properties and businesses. This article delves into flood insurance, explaining its benefits for landlords and its applicability in various situations.

What is Flood Insurance?

Flood insurance provides coverage for damage and liability arising from flooding. Regular homeowner’s and landlord’s insurance typically do not cover damage caused by flooding, and flood insurance is designed to fill this gap in coverage.

How Can Flood Insurance Benefit Landlords?

Flood insurance can assist landlords by covering the costs associated with repairing flood damage. Although not all types of flood damage may qualify for coverage, it’s beneficial to have this layer of protection if you can afford it. Every flood insurance policy is unique, so it’s crucial to consult with our team to understand which policy is best suited for your needs. For a rental property, you’ll need specialized flood insurance, referred to as "rental property flood insurance." Standard flood insurance policies may not adequately cater to your specific needs or furnish all the coverage you require to protect a property that generates rental income and doesn’t serve as your residence.

Should Landlords Purchase Flood Insurance?

Although the decision to carry flood insurance is ultimately up to the individual landlord, we strongly recommend it. It’s always better to be overprepared rather than caught off guard. Protecting a property with flood insurance can still offer considerable benefits, even if it is situated outside a floodplain.

To learn more about flood insurance in Austin, TX, feel free to reach out to The Policy Source!